See BELIEVE! Our Final Summer Storytime Reading that Premiered 9/2/22 on YouTube!

Starting Friday, September 2, 2022, whenever you like, kids and their caregivers can listen, watch, and read along with our Storytime reading of, “Believe,” a book written by Promise Heights’ own Cassandra James, illustrated by Jasmine Mills.

Click here to launch the video.

This video was designed to help young children realize their own power to achieve their destiny and fulfill their dreams. The overarching message is rooted in the importance of believing in yourself. "No matter what happens, no matter what people say, you have to continue believing and working hard every day."

ABOUT THE CASSANDRA JAMES: Ms. James holds a Bachelors in Sociology and Master’s in Social Work, with a concentration in Youth Development, Community Engagement, and Nonprofit Management.

Over the past 15+ years, Cassandra has held several leadership positions in nonprofit organizations and within the education system. It has been her dedication to youth development, youth empowerment, and youth centered success that has chartered both her personal and professional passions.

We are so proud to have welcomed Cassandra to join our Promise Heights team in 2022! CRAFTING SESSION: As always, after each Storytime reading, Ms. Linda leads a fun family-oriented DIY craft project to enrich everyone’s experience of this book.

While you’re making the craft project, we encourage parents and caregivers to talk about the book’s theme, asking kids to recall their favorite parts, to identify different scenes, and make connections to their own life in relation to the story.

Once you finish making this DIY “Magic Mirror,” you’ll have a handy and pretty device that’s designed to spark kid’s imaginations, build self-esteem, boldly affirm all that they love about yourself, and to give kids and parents/caregivers an opportunity to share their personal secrets and ambitions.

Why not prepare for this craft session now? To make your “Magic Mirror,” you'll need the following craft supplies:

-- A large piece of cardboard or a manilla folder (you’ll need enough for two sides of the mirror—so if you don’t have a folder, a large cereal box would also be perfect)

-- A pencil -- Aluminum foil: new—so that it is shiny and not crinkly

--Scissors: ideally, adult-sized scissors for you, and small safety-scissors for kids

--While collecting these things, why not say all sorts of affirmations about yourselves?

--(Optional) A set of colorful markers, pens, and/or pencils, stickers, cut-out pictures, and stick-on “jewels” to decorate your mirror

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to explore other Storytime Readings, as well as our other videos! (When you subscribe, you'll have an "early bird" alert whenever we add new recordings.)

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