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Since these organizations keep followers updated via their social media accounts, please visit their pages to learn the latest news.
Should you be seeking a JOB, tap here to see frequent job postings: The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development Instagram page
To remain updated year round regarding cold or hot weather events, and a variety of services to maintain comfort, safety, and security, tap here to see frequent posts on The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services
Should you be seeking HEALTH-RELATED assistance and news, tap here to see frequent postings: The Baltimore City Department of Health
To find virtual and in-person programs and services provided for FAMILIES WITH BABIES, tap here to see B’more for Healthy Babies UDH posts, tap here to find diapers and baby supplies from The Maryland Diaper Bank and ShareBaby MD for diapers, clothing, and other baby supplies.
To find frequently updated grocery, clothing, and resource freebies as well as to learn about community events and holiday gift drives, tap here to see the Positivity in Bmore posts, tap here for meals from Paul’s Place, tap here for meals, clothing, and more from the St. Francis Neighborhood Center, and tap here to see groceries offered by the Emilie Wall Foundation