B'more for Healthy Babies Director Addresses Health Inequities
“You’ve given people a good understanding. Professor Stevens of why you and your team are so appreciated and recognized as heroes, including by the Mayor, both recently for the work you’ve done—not just for how you conceptualize the problem—but for the commitment that you and your team have shown…working with so many people in West Baltimore to see these kinds of outcomes.
You’ve also indicated how the social determinants of health aren’t an afterthought: they’re integral to how you’ve been able to be successful.”
On July 20, 2021, Stacey B. Stephens, Director of B’more for Health Babies, Promise Heights was the first presenter in the #LiveAtUrban Urban Institute Webinar, “Addressing Health Inequities in Promise Neighborhoods.”
This Urban Institute panel discussion featuring health equity implications of the Promise Neighborhoods initiative was rescheduled from earlier this year due to the pandemic. Click here to see this webinar
Stacey B. Stephens opened the panelist’s presentations on July 20, 2021