Funded by the United Way of Central Maryland, Promise Heights is a Family Stability site for the families attending our five Community Schools. Financial instability has severe and long-lasting ramifications on a child’s emotional, physical, and scholastic well-being. Children from unstable families generally have to switch schools or travel great distances to each day to school. They're more likely to show delayed development, less likely than their peers to be tested as proficient in math and reading, and at heightened risk of health and nutritional issues. Led by a licensed social worker, Promise Heights provides long-term, systemic assistance aimed at lifting families out of crisis and move them to self-sufficiency through:
Prevention: helping at-risk families stabilize before they become homeless
Shelter Diversion: diverting homeless families from traditional shelters to temporary housing, accompanied by comprehensive case management
Financial Education: working with these families on financial literacy, asset-building, budgeting and employment
In partnership with Baltimore Cash Campaign and Union Baptist Church, the Promise Heights Family Stability Program looks to help families build credit, increase savings, increase income, prevent family homelessness, and reduce student mobility. Families enrolled in the program benefit from multiple strategies including:
- Case Management
- Tax preparation
- Benefits Screening
- Financial Assistance
- Financial Education
Financial education workshops are being offered to all Upton/Druid Heights residents on:
- Predatory lending
- Improving personal credit
- Housing
- Workforce devlopment
- And more!
Family Prosperity Coodinator
Jeffrey Clark, MA, MSW
General Contact Information