Our first impulse: to calm children’s fears

Promise Heights Team Member Quote

We were incredibly busy during the first two weeks of March when we traveled to Newark to learn about Safe Passage, celebrated a prestigious Alumni Award, witnessed a third-annual Father/Son Basketball tournament, attended a community Ribbon Cutting, and welcomed new team members. And, then, on March 13, the world shifted, our staff moved to telework, and schools closed. We've risen to the occasion by supporting our constituencies as much as possible during this profoundly unsettling moment in history. We have released a newsletter that offers a front seat view of our role before and after the COVID-19 pandemic—please check the bottom of this webpage to sign up.


We’re all experiencing the beginning of a monumental journey, one that highlights Promise Heights' pivotal role within our community. We've developed new methods to reach families and kids, and we're providing support in every capacity one can imagine. We will continue to do whatever is needed for as long as necessary, as our role supporting the people of Upton and Druid Heights is even more evident than in the past.

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