The ‘From the Heights” Series of Promise Heights Webinars Launched!

Photo of Dr. David Satcher credit: Mark Humphreys/AP

Photo of Dr. David Satcher credit: Mark Humphreys/AP

On the afternoon of Monday, February 22, several hundred registered webinar participants as well as another Facebook Live audience joined the first in a series of "From the Heights" webinars hosted Promise Heights.

This program was generously assisted by the Institute for Innovation and Implementation.

Bronwyn Mayden, MSW, Executive Director of Promise Heights moderated, "Overcoming the Stigma of Treating Mental Health Concerns in the Black Community", an engaging hour-long conversation with Dr. David Satcher, former Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the 16th Surgeon General of the United States, and author of My Quest for Health Equity”; and Andrea Brown, MA, Executive Director of the Black Mental Health Alliance. 


On Friday, February 19, this webinar was preceded by a conversation between Dr. Satcher and Dr. Karsonya “Kaye” Wise Whitehead, as featured on the WEAA- 88.9FM show, “Today with Dr. Kaye” show. Hear this program on Promise Heights YouTube channel.


As a result of this Webinar, on Wednesday, February 24, Tatyana Turner of the Baltimore Sun wrote, “Mental Health in the Black Community: A Q&A with Former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher.” 

Read this special feature



The second event in the From the Heights webinar series was Dr. Lawrence Brown's March 15 Live Webinar, "The Black Butterfly: The Harmful Politics of Race and Space in America" from 3-4:30 pm. 

Registration for this March 15 program is closed.

Note for Social Workers: 1.5 CEUs are available for this March 15 program for $15. that you can request and pay for when you register to join this live webinar. For more information, see the bottom of the Webinar registration page.


Funding for the From the Heights series was provided by The Annie E. Casey Foundation and Kaiser Permanente

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